Fuksodi Bowtie Yellow 04

13 Batch 2 Fuksodi Yellow

Price : IDR 250.000,-

Limited Edition

Fuksodi adalah sebutan untuk anak laki-laki bangsawan keturunan Kdise (Klise). Mereka mendiami Desa Otemer, sekarang bernama Batu Putih dan Marantutul. Desa tersebut terletak di pesisir barat pulau Yamdena, Kepulauan Tanimbar. Pada masa perang, laki-laki mengikat kain tenun di tangan dan kaki karena mereka percaya tenun akan memberi perlindungan dan kemenangan.


Fuksodi is the name for an aristocratic boy in the lineage of Kdise or Klise Family. They live in Otemer Village (now Batu Putih and Marantutul Village).Those villages are located on the west coast of Yamdena Island, Tanimbar. In wartime, men tied a woven fabric on their hands and legs because they believed it would give protection and victory to them.

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